Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- CronJobAssetProcessing
- Implement object asset renderer
- CronJobBotOpt
- Implement bot optimizer job
- CronJobCheckStock
- Implement
- CronJobExportStructure
- Implement abstract class for cron jobs
- CronJobExportUser
- Implement user export as background job
- CronJobExportBills
- Implement bill export job
- CronJobExportTranslation
- Implement translation export as background job
- CronJobGc
- Implement object cleanup handling
- CronJobImportContents
- Implement the import contents function
- CronJobImportCustomer
- Implement customer import as background job
- CronJobImportUser
- Implement user import as background job
- CronJobImportTranslation
- Implement translation import as background job
- CronJobInventory
- Implement inventory jobs
- CronJobNewsletter
- Implement newsletters
- CronJobNotify
- Implement
- CronJobObjectCleanup
- Implement object cleanup handling
- CronJobRegisterGroupPermissions
- Implement abstract class for cron jobs
- CronJobSearchIndex
- Implement index search handling
- CronJobSendmail
- Implement mail send handling
- CronJobSiteMap
- Implement abstract class for cron jobs
- CronJobSyncronize
- Implement GIT synchronization handling
- CommandLineContext
- Context
- ContextManager
- CronJob
- Implement abstract class for cron jobs
- Domain
- Define common Domain object
- Endpoint
- Define common HTTP REST endpoint object
- FilesystemDateFilter
- Request
- Define common HTTP request object
- Response
- Define common HTTP response object
- Result
- Define common system status exchange object
- SwooleRequest
- Define common HTTP request object
- CronJobCrm
- Implement
- CronJobCheckSendInBlue
- Implement check and create existing contacts
- CronJobVimeoUpload
- Implement vimeo upload
- CronJobReCreateAsset
- Implement recreation of assets handling
- CronJobTranslationcache
- Implement localise cron Handle the translation cache function
- CronJobMaintenanceDates
- Implement cron for maintenance date creation
- CronJobServiceBill
- Implement service bill creation
- CronJobServiceEvent
- Implement event cron