FileAccess Orion

Http extends System
in package

Implement http service handler

This class provides interfaces for request handling. It also holds methods to handle and route all kinds of requests over http.




Tobias Teichner


File available since v0.01

Table of Contents

$affected  : array<string|int, mixed>
List of affected files and directories in recursion
$classes  : array<string|int, mixed>
Buffer for class exists tests
$collator  : int
Cache if collators are available
$context  : AppContext|Request|CronJob|CommandLineContext
Storage for current global context
$cors_domain_file  : string
Path to cors domains
$db  : array<string|int, mixed>
Database connections
$hooks  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
The hooks buffer
$log_template  : string
The template for log messages in ::Log()
$plugins  : array<string|int, mixed>
The plugin buffer
$size_unit  : array<string|int, mixed>
Available file size short codes
ArrayToObject()  : stdClass|null
Convert array to object
CalculateFolderSize()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Calculate size of a specific folder use a recursive working function to calculate a folder size
CallExecutable()  : Result
Execute a system command Uses installed executable to perform a system call
CallHook()  : bool
Call hook
Chmod()  : bool
Change the permissions of a file
ClassExists()  : bool
Class exists
ClearCache()  : void
Clear the static cache
CollatorExists()  : bool
Check if collators available Test if the ICU collator functions ae available. This function is cached.
ConfigGetPreset()  : Result
Load a config preset Fetch a preset from default system storage location and return it decoded
Context()  : AppContext|Request|CronJob|CommandLineContext
Get/Set the global context
CopyFile()  : Result
Copy file Copy a single file with obtaining lock on index before
CopyFolder()  : Result
Copy folder
CorsDomains()  : Result
Set or get the domains that are allowed for cors
DataBase()  : DBAL|null
Debug()  : void
log debug object writs a formatted log message including back trace to the global log file
DecodeJson()  : Result
Parse json from string to object or assoc
DecodeJsonFile()  : Result
Parse json from file to object or assoc
DeleteFile()  : bool
Deletes single file This method deletes a single file, it will wait when the system is in git lock mode
DropFolder()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Delete a full folder
EncodeJson()  : Result
Serialize a given input to json representation
ExtractExtension()  : bool|string
Extract file extension
ExtractFileName()  : string
Extract file name
ExtractFolder()  : string
Extract folder path from root
ExtractFolderName()  : string
Extract folder name from root
ExtractHostName()  : string|null
Get reduced hostname reduce a hostname to defined components, e.g. when you give and set length to 2 you will get
FileExists()  : bool|string
Check if file exists
FilterFolderFilesByModificationTime()  : Result
Get a list of files that are either older or newer a certain time point
GenerateUUIDv4()  : string
Generate an unique id
GetClassNames()  : array<string|int, mixed>
List classes in folder Fetch a list of classes inside the folder
GetLink()  : null|Link
Resolve optimized link
GetLock()  : Result
Obtain lock try to obtain the lock indicated by lock file in var
GetObjectLock()  : bool
GetSortKey()  : Result
Calculate the sort key Using the ICU collator to create a sort key representation of the given string.
GzCompressFile()  : Result
GZIPs a file on disk (appending .gz to the name)
IsBase64()  : bool
Guess if string is base64 will try to guess if the given string is base64
IsEmptyDir()  : bool|null
Is empty folder
KnownPlugins()  : array<string|int, Plugin>
Get the known plugins
ListFiles()  : array<string|int, mixed>
list files Iterate over directory and list the found files
ListFolders()  : array<string|int, mixed>
List folder names in certain root folder
ListIdFiles()  : array<string|int, mixed>
find file ids find a list of file ids inside a folder and its sub directories
Log()  : void
log object writs a formatted log message including back trace to the global log file
MemoryBytesReadable()  : string
Memory readable Convert size of bytes in human-readable units
MimeType()  : string|bool
Get mime type of file
MkFolder()  : string|null
Create folder path
OSName()  : string
Plugin()  : Plugin|null
Get plugin
ReadCsv()  : Result
Read a CSV file to local storage
ReadFile()  : Result
Read a single file
ReadFixedColumnFile()  : Result
Read file with fixed column width
ReadFolder()  : array<string|int, File>
Read folder
Redirect()  : void
send redirect set a redirect header to the given location
RenameFolderOrFile()  : Result
Rename folder or file
Request()  : Response
Base request handling
RevokeLock()  : Result
release lock try to release the lock indicated by lock file in var
RevokeObjectLock()  : Result
SelfLockedOrOpen()  : bool
SendResponse()  : void
Sen the response to the browser.
SetCacheHeaders()  : void
Set cache header for http browser caching
SetCorsHeader()  : void
Set CORS header
SetJSONHeader()  : void
Set the json response type header
SetPerformanceHeaders()  : void
set performance header set a list of performance header to give a simple impression of the system request performance
setResponseCode()  : void
set http response code header set a basic http response code, wrap function http_response_code() if it is not existing
SetSecurityHeaders()  : void
Set security header
StoreEncodedJson()  : Result
Serialize a given input and store it
StripQueryAndAnchor()  : string
Extract file name
SysLog()  : bool
Log message
SystemInformation()  : void
Get system information
TailLogfile()  : Result
tail a log file get set of lines inside a logfile
TryGetLock()  : bool
Obtain lock with retry
TryUnLock()  : bool
Unlock try to disable the lock indicated by lock file in var
Unzip()  : Result
Unzip a file
Version()  : string
VersionStringToNumber()  : string
Convert version number Converts the given number to a unified string e.g. 'v1.234.33' will become 102340033
Warn()  : void
warn level log object writs a formatted log message including back trace to the global log file
WriteCsv()  : Result
Write a array of entries to csv file
WriteFile()  : bool
Write string to file
Zip()  : Result
Create a zip archive from folder or file contents
RegisterPlugins()  : mixed
Register plugins
CalculateFolderSizeRecurse()  : bool
Helper function to calculate size Recursively calculate size of a specific folder
decrypt()  : string
Decrypt data
DropFolderRecurse()  : bool
Delete a folder completely this method is the recursion helper for DropFolder()
encrypt()  : string
Encrypt data
googleRegistration()  : void
Handle fetch of google registration file
handleApiCall()  : void
Handle api call Handle api call operations that are linked to a system widget
handleDirectoryCall()  : void
Handle virtual directory call The virtual directory call operations are connected to existing virtual directories
handleLockedSystem()  : void
Handle the system is locked case
handleRootCall()  : void
Handle root call
handleSystemCall()  : void
Handle system call Handle system call operations like login, logout and basic session operations
heartBeat()  : void
Store the heart beat info
isSystemOperation()  : bool|string
Detect system request Detect if a specific request is a registered system operation
parseKeyFile()  : null|string|array<string|int, mixed>
publicAsset()  : void
Handle potential public asset calls
siteMap()  : void
Handle the site map default behavior
thirdPartyCookie()  : void
Test the third party cookie support
updateData()  : void
Handle update call



List of affected files and directories in recursion

private static array<string|int, mixed> $affected = array()

The list of paths


Buffer for class exists tests

private static array<string|int, mixed> $classes = array()

The status of the classes


Cache if collators are available

private static int $collator = -1

Initial set to -1


Path to cors domains

private static string $cors_domain_file = FAA_PATHS_DATAABS . 'folder/cors-domains.json'


Database connections

private static array<string|int, mixed> $db = []


The hooks buffer

private static array<string|int, mixed>|null $hooks = null


The template for log messages in ::Log()

private static string $log_template = "Called from LINE %s IN Script: %s\n"

The template


The plugin buffer

private static array<string|int, mixed> $plugins = array()


Available file size short codes

private static array<string|int, mixed> $size_unit = array('b', 'Kb', 'Mb', 'Gb', 'Tb', 'Pb')

Used in the readable form



Convert array to object

public static ArrayToObject(array<string|int, mixed> $array) : stdClass|null

Convert the given array element to object, using the json methods

$array : array<string|int, mixed>

The input values to convert

Return values

The converted element as object


Calculate size of a specific folder use a recursive working function to calculate a folder size

public static CalculateFolderSize(string $folder) : array<string|int, mixed>
$folder : string

The path to calculate the size of

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

A assoc structure holding the folder information


Execute a system command Uses installed executable to perform a system call

public static CallExecutable(string $cmd[, string $folder = '' ][, string $outfile = '' ]) : Result
$cmd : string

The command to execute

$folder : string = ''

The working directory

$outfile : string = ''

Optional output file of the call result

Return values

A system result object


Call hook

public static CallHook(string $name[, mixed|Result|BaseContent &$returns = false ][, mixed|BaseContent &$parameter = null ]) : bool

Calls the interfaces and plugins that are registered on this hook

Available system hooks are:

OnClearAllCache Called when all system caches are cleared at once, has no given argument

OnIndex Called in search index cron job. Has a reference to the job and the list of indexed elements. $parameter contains the content type (ct), the list of changes (list) and the name of the plugin (handler)

OnNewIndex Called in Cache::RecreateIndex with list of files inside the storage folder.

OnSyncronize Called on sync. Gets the list of changed files based on the history buffer. Arguments are similar to OnNewIndex.

RequestOnUrlParsed Called in request constructor, can be used to modify the request itself and the parsed url. Has a reference to the request and the parsed url

OnGetEntityAttributes Called in entity attribute loader. Can be used to modify the whole entity object e.g. add custom fields or tabs.

OnLoadEntityFormPreset Called when using the widget method to get a content type preset. Call is Widget::loadEntityFormPreset $returns is the parsed content type object with resolved attributes.

OnRegisterWidgetIncludes Called on TemplateEngine::renderExtension. Gets as argument the includes list in $param->returns

OnBasketLoadFieldPresetStatus Called in Basket::LoadFieldPresetStatus. Gets as argument the list of available status switches in $param->returns These include a label, value and a set of fields

OnDeleteContent Called in BaseContent when successfully deleted. Gets a reference to the status object and the deleted object. State is referenced in $returns, the deleted object in $parameter

OnAddOrUpdateContent Called in BaseContent when successfully updated or, created. Gets a reference to the status object and the object. State is referenced in $returns, the changed object in $parameter

OnBeforeAddOrUpdateContent Called in base content right before the saver operation State is referenced in $returns, the changed object in $parameter

OnBeforeUserAdminSave Called before saving user data. Gets a reference to the user data payload and a result object.

OnAfterUserAdminSave Called after saving user data. Gets a reference to the user, extras and the payload.

OnUserAdminLoad Called in users widget, when loading own user data (loadSingle). Gets return data and the widget as argument. $returns contains the plain user object, $parameter is a reference to the user widget.

OnUserOwnLoad Called in users widget, when loading own user data (LoadOwn, SendGoogleAuthMail). Gets return data and the widget as argument. $returns contains the plain user object, $parameter is a reference to the user widget.

BasketChangeStatus Hook is called when basket status was changed successfully. $returns contains reference to a system result object. $parameter is an object with the basket instance in key 'basket' and the changes in key 'payload' plus the language

OnBeforeConvertBasketToTask Called right before converting basket to task, has information about the basket and the payload for the new task

OnInitTaskWidget Called in project tasks widget after preparation of data in init call The returns contains an array with the preset data, parameter is the original user request

OnPrepareSiteMapLinks Called in site map generator with returns as result object and $parameter filled with list of links

OnProjectLoadEmployeeRoles Called in project widget when loading employee roles, $returns is the list of roles

OnAfterSendMail Called after successful sending email

OnBeforeResendSendMail Called before sending email to customer (again)

OnAfterPermissionCheck Called in check access to directory, The argument is of type AccessHookArgument, the result a result

OnGetAccessList Called when fetching the user session as last step. Arguments are the response and the user object

OnAfterBasketRegisterUser Called in basket widget after registration of basket is done. Arguments are the result object and an array with user_id and payload as values

OnPreImportContents Called when executing the import cronjob Argument is a file entry after the unzip process

OnRenameFolder Called when renaming the folder by short attribute update or when moving it entirely Called with Result object as return and a FolderMoveHookArgument as parameter

OnDisplay404 Called right before serving the 404 page. Allows the plugins to do some checks before. Argument is the Request object, return is a result object.

OnAddOrUpdateTask Called in task widget on create or update of task Called with Result object as return and a Task as parameter

OnAddService Called on create new service Returns is a result object and param is class with relation and payload

OnCleanupGarbage Called in garbage collect cron job Called with Result object as return and a Job as parameter

OnGetLoginRedirectUrl Called in the getter for the redirect url after successful login Called with Result object as return and the original request url as parameter

OnAfterRelationDelete Called after relation was deleted Called with Result object as return and the combination of relation and content as parameter

OnExecuteSearchUser Call in user search handler Gets the result object nd the search parameters as arguments

OnGetSearchFieldsUser Called after fetch user fields for search The returns argument is the fields of the user

OnUserStatusChange Called after the user active status is change but before saving the user Param is array with user from and target status

OnAfterUserLoginByPassword Called after user password check, param is object with user, credentials and a found indication

OnAfterUserRegisterSession Called after session registration, this is the point where the user is actually logged in Param is the user object.

OnPreUserRegisterSession Called before session registration is done, param is the user object

OnMapArrayIncludes Called after static assets are parsed in template handling Param is the list of links and the result object

OnRenderLoginExtraPre / OnRenderLoginExtra Called on rendering the login template, Response my be usd to add an additional html content

OnAfterRestUserPassword Called after password reset, with arguments result and the user object

OnSearchRelationAttributeList Called in relation attribute search handler when a service related attribute list is queried Parameter is the action with post body payload and the language

OnEmployeeAssignmentStatusChange Called when the assignment status of an employee is changed. Param are the task and the result object

OnBeforeRegisterUser Called on before the user is registered, can be used to modify the user data upfront

OnAfterRegisterUser Called after registration of user was done, param is the user itself

OnBeforeMarkSubscriptionForSwitch Called before users subscription should be changed, param is the user and returns is the result object

OnAfterMarkSubscriptionForSwitch Called when users subscription should be changed, param is the user and returns is the result object

OnMarkSubscriptionForTermination Called when users subscription should be changed, param is the user and returns is the result object

OnNewsletterUserRequiresNotification Called right before new newsletters are queued for a user, the argument is a class with the user and th related newsletter object

OnCronJobRegistered On new cron job from table. Argument is the cron job instance

OnCronJobCompleted On complete cron job from table. Argument is the cron job instance

OnCronJobStarted On start cron job from table. Argument is the cron job instance

OnCronJobProgressChanged Called when the progress was changed and persisted. Argument is the cron job

OnAfterSendMail After email was send, param is the email instance

OnMailRegistered Right after email was registered for sending by cronjob. Param is the email instance

$name : string

Name of hook

$returns : mixed|Result|BaseContent = false

Return reference, regularly a Result object

$parameter : mixed|BaseContent = null

Secondary argument, use to add additional information for the call

Return values


Change the permissions of a file

public static Chmod(string $file, int $octal) : bool
$file : string
$octal : int
Return values


Class exists

public static ClassExists(string $className) : bool

A cached version of class exists to prevent autoloader from starting

$className : string

The name of the class

Return values

Status is existing


Clear the static cache

public static ClearCache() : void
Return values


Check if collators available Test if the ICU collator functions ae available. This function is cached.

public static CollatorExists() : bool
Return values

True when collator is available


Load a config preset Fetch a preset from default system storage location and return it decoded

public static ConfigGetPreset(string $name[, bool $mode = true ]) : Result
$name : string

The preset name

$mode : bool = true

Decode to assoc or boolean

Return values

A system result object


Copy file Copy a single file with obtaining lock on index before

public static CopyFile(string $source, string $target[, bool $override = true ]) : Result
$source : string

Absolute path to source

$target : string

Absolute path to target

$override : bool = true

Override forced even if file names are equal

Return values

A system result object


Copy folder

public static CopyFolder(string $source, string $target[, bool $override = true ]) : Result

This method copies the source folder to the target folder path. The folder itself is not copied but all of its contents. This method creates the target folder if it is not present.

$source : string

The source folder destination

$target : string

The target folder name

$override : bool = true

Override forced even if file names are equal

Return values

A system result object


Set or get the domains that are allowed for cors

public static CorsDomains([null $domains = null ]) : Result

If none are defined we will automatically add the * wildcard

$domains : null = null
Return values


public static DataBase(string $name) : DBAL|null
$name : string
Return values


log debug object writs a formatted log message including back trace to the global log file

public static Debug(mixed $object) : void
$object : mixed

The object to be logged

Return values


Parse json from string to object or assoc

public static DecodeJson(string $data[, bool $mode = true ][, array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $crypt = null ]) : Result

Use the json parse function to decode a string to assoc or object It will use the given code in crypt to decrypt or fall back to system key

$data : string

The payload to decode

$mode : bool = true

Parse as assoc or object, default is true and therefor assoc array

$crypt : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null = null

The key or, an array with cipher, key and the iv

Return values

A default system result object


Parse json from file to object or assoc

public static DecodeJsonFile(string $path[, bool $mode = true ][, string|null $crypt = null ]) : Result

Use the json parse to fetch text data from a given path and return it as object with assoc or object payload

$path : string

The absolute path to a certain storage file

$mode : bool = true

Parse as assoc or object, default assoc

$crypt : string|null = null

Decrypt string before parsing

Return values

A default system result object


Deletes single file This method deletes a single file, it will wait when the system is in git lock mode

public static DeleteFile(string $path) : bool
$path : string

The target file path

Return values

True on success otherwise false


Delete a full folder

public static DropFolder(string $folder[, bool $full = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

this method clears or delete a folder recursively, side effect will fill list of delete folders and files

$folder : string

The path to delete

$full : bool = false

Also remove the root folder

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

List of deleted folders and files


Serialize a given input to json representation

public static EncodeJson(mixed $data[, int $mode = JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ][, array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $crypt = null ]) : Result

use the json parse function to decode an assoc or object

$data : mixed

The payload to encode

$mode : int = JSON_PRETTY_PRINT

Serialize readable or not formatted

$crypt : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null = null

Encrypt key or, array with key cipher and iv

Return values

A default system result object


Extract file extension

public static ExtractExtension(string $path) : bool|string

May return false if no extension could be found

$path : string

A complete file path

Return values

The file extension or, false if not matched


Extract file name

public static ExtractFileName(string $path[, bool $without_extension = false ]) : string
$path : string

A complete file path

$without_extension : bool = false
Return values

The file name


Extract folder path from root

public static ExtractFolder(string $path) : string

With input /var/www/school/test.json will result in /var/www/school/

$path : string

A complete file path

Return values

The file root folder


Extract folder name from root

public static ExtractFolderName(string $path) : string
$path : string

A complete file path

Return values

The file root folder


Get reduced hostname reduce a hostname to defined components, e.g. when you give and set length to 2 you will get

public static ExtractHostName([string|null $host = null ][, int $length = 2 ][, bool $port = true ]) : string|null
$host : string|null = null

Hostname to reduce

$length : int = 2

The maximum length of components

$port : bool = true

Remove the port number when set false

Return values

The reduced domain to given components count


Check if file exists

public static FileExists(string $fileName[, bool $caseSensitive = true ]) : bool|string

Does check if a file is existing, will also check if the file exists as lower case by glob as fallback.

$fileName : string

The path to the file

$caseSensitive : bool = true

Use case-sensitive path, defaults to true

Return values

File exists


Get a list of files that are either older or newer a certain time point

public static FilterFolderFilesByModificationTime(string $root, int $timestamp[, bool $older = true ]) : Result
$root : string

The start point for the recursion

$timestamp : int

The time point to flip

$older : bool = true

When true result list files are older than the time stamp otherwise newer

Return values

A system result object containing the files


Generate an unique id

public static GenerateUUIDv4() : string
Return values


List classes in folder Fetch a list of classes inside the folder

public static GetClassNames(array<string|int, mixed> $paths[, string|null $ignore = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$paths : array<string|int, mixed>

List of paths to search

$ignore : string|null = null

A regular expression to filter

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

A list of class names found in the folder

Resolve optimized link

public static GetLink(string $path, Domain $dom) : null|Link

Calculate the optimized link expression for the given path including the language

$path : string

The requested raw path

$dom : Domain

The target domain

Return values

The link object or null when not registered


Obtain lock try to obtain the lock indicated by lock file in var

public static GetLock() : Result
Return values

A default system result object


public static GetObjectLock(BaseContent $content) : bool
$content : BaseContent
Return values


Calculate the sort key Using the ICU collator to create a sort key representation of the given string.

public static GetSortKey(string $text[, string $collation = FAA_LOCALE ][, bool $encode = false ]) : Result
$text : string

The text to convert to sort key

$collation : string = FAA_LOCALE

The collation to use for convert e.g. en_US or, de

$encode : bool = false

When set to true, convert the sort key to urlencoded representation

Return values

A default system result object


GZIPs a file on disk (appending .gz to the name)

public static GzCompressFile(string $source[, int $level = 9 ][, bool $clean = true ][, scalar $suffix = null ]) : Result

From Based on function by Kioob at:

$source : string

Path to file that should be compressed

$level : int = 9

GZIP compression level (default: 9)

$clean : bool = true

Clean source file after compression (default: true)

$suffix : scalar = null

Additional suffix for the target

Return values

A default system result object


Guess if string is base64 will try to guess if the given string is base64

public static IsBase64(string $string[, bool $simple = true ]) : bool
$string : string

The string to check

$simple : bool = true

Use a simple method to check the given content with fallback to complex check

Return values

True on success otherwise false


Is empty folder

public static IsEmptyDir(string $dir) : bool|null
$dir : string

Path to folder

Return values


Get the known plugins

public static KnownPlugins() : array<string|int, Plugin>
Return values
array<string|int, Plugin>


list files Iterate over directory and list the found files

public static ListFiles(string $dir[, string $ext = '/^json$/' ][, bool $full = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$dir : string

The root folder path to search in

$ext : string = '/^json$/'

Filter by extension (can be empty, a string or a regex)

$full : bool = false

Check the full name of the file or just the extension when false

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

A list containing the found files


List folder names in certain root folder

public static ListFolders(string $path) : array<string|int, mixed>
$path : string

The absolute path to the folder

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The found folder names that are children of the given folder


find file ids find a list of file ids inside a folder and its sub directories

public static ListIdFiles(string $dir[, string $ext = 'json' ][, bool $to_int = true ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$dir : string

The root folder path to search in

$ext : string = 'json'

Filter by extension

$to_int : bool = true

Convert to integer when set to true

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

A list containing the found id's


log object writs a formatted log message including back trace to the global log file

public static Log(mixed $object[, string|null $msg = null ]) : void
$object : mixed

The object to be logged

$msg : string|null = null

Additional message

Return values


Memory readable Convert size of bytes in human-readable units

public static MemoryBytesReadable(int|float $size) : string
$size : int|float

The size in bytes

Return values

The calculated size


Get mime type of file

public static MimeType(string $file) : string|bool
$file : string

The absolute file path

Return values

The mime type of the file or, false if not resolvable


Create folder path

public static MkFolder(string $root, array<string|int, mixed> $components[, bool $make = true ]) : string|null

When the make argument set to true this function will try to create the folder Return the folder components without root part

$root : string

The path to the base folder

$components : array<string|int, mixed>

The list of folder components

$make : bool = true

Try to create the folder

Return values

The combined relative path as string, includes tailing /


public static OSName() : string
Return values


Get plugin

public static Plugin(string $name) : Plugin|null

Get one of the registered plugins. This function uses the cache

$name : string

Get plugin instance

Return values

A plugin instance or null when not registered


Read a CSV file to local storage

public static ReadCsv(string $path[, string $delimiter = ';' ][, string $enclosure = "'" ][, int $length = 100000 ][, string $escape = "\" ][, bool $check_head = true ]) : Result

Fetch the file and add it to a local result object file is parsed with php function to get csv from file, arguments of this methods align with official one

$path : string

The absolute path to file to open

$delimiter : string = ';'

Have a look at delimiter

$enclosure : string = "'"

Have a look at enclosure

$length : int = 100000

Have a look at length

$escape : string = "\"

Have a look at escape

$check_head : bool = true

When set, check the first line as head and validate following line lengths

Return values

A system result object


Read a single file

public static ReadFile(string $path) : Result
$path : string

The absolute path to a certain storage file

Return values

A default system result object


Read file with fixed column width

public static ReadFixedColumnFile(string $path[, int $length = 10000 ]) : Result

Automatic file parser based on the heads and assuming a " " space is used to make the cols equal

$path : string

Absolute link to the file to open

$length : int = 10000

Limiter for line length

Return values

A system result object


Read folder

public static ReadFolder(string $dir) : array<string|int, File>

Will list all files and folders of a folder

$dir : string

Path to root folder

Return values
array<string|int, File>

An array of file objects


send redirect set a redirect header to the given location

public static Redirect(string $url[, bool $permanent = false ]) : void
$url : string

The target url

$permanent : bool = false

Set as 301 when permanent

Return values


Rename folder or file

public static RenameFolderOrFile(string $source, string $target[, bool $skip_existing = true ]) : Result
$source : string

Absolute path to source

$target : string

Absolute path to target

$skip_existing : bool = true
Return values

A system result object


Base request handling

public static Request(Request $request) : Response

This is the main interface for all types of resources provided by andromeda

$request : Request
Return values


release lock try to release the lock indicated by lock file in var

public static RevokeLock([string|null $lockfile = null ][, bool $in_memory = true ]) : Result
$lockfile : string|null = null
$in_memory : bool = true
Return values

A default system result object


public static RevokeObjectLock(BaseContent $content) : Result
$content : BaseContent
Return values


public static SelfLockedOrOpen( $pid[,  $path = null ]) : bool
$pid :
$path : = null
Return values


Sen the response to the browser.

public static SendResponse(Response $res, Request $request) : void

Supports all response types like html or download defined in the given response object.

$res : Response

The response object

$request : Request

The original request

Return values


Set cache header for http browser caching

public static SetCacheHeaders(Request $request, Response $response[, int $lifetime = FAA_HTTP_CACHE_BROWSER_DURATION ]) : void

set a list of performance header to enable browser side caching When the lifetime is set to a negative value, the cache will be deactivated

$request : Request

The original request

$response : Response

The response object


Max lifetime of cache in seconds

Return values


Set CORS header

public static SetCorsHeader(Request $request, Response $res) : void

Sets CORS header to enable cross domain access in special cases

$request : Request

The original request

$res : Response

The response object

Return values


Set the json response type header

public static SetJSONHeader() : void
Return values


set performance header set a list of performance header to give a simple impression of the system request performance

public static SetPerformanceHeaders(Request $request, Response $res) : void
$request : Request

The original request

$res : Response

The response object

Return values


set http response code header set a basic http response code, wrap function http_response_code() if it is not existing

public static setResponseCode(int $code) : void
$code : int

The http response code

Return values


Set security header

public static SetSecurityHeaders(Response $response, Request $request[, string|null $csp = null ]) : void

Set a list of security header to enable client side security features

$response : Response

The response object

$request : Request

The original request

$csp : string|null = null

The Content-Security-Policy from config

Return values


Serialize a given input and store it

public static StoreEncodedJson(string $path, mixed $data[, int $mode = JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ][, bool|null $crypt = false ]) : Result

use the json parse function to create json representation and store it in a certain file this method does an encryption also on demand, the .key file must exist for this to happen

$path : string

The target file path

$data : mixed

The payload to encode

$mode : int = JSON_PRETTY_PRINT

Serialize readable or not formatted

$crypt : bool|null = false

Encrypt the result after serialisation

Return values

A default system result object


Extract file name

public static StripQueryAndAnchor(string $path) : string
$path : string

A complete file path

Return values

The file name without additional parts


Log message

public static SysLog(string $level, mixed $object[, string|null $prefix = null ][, bool $stack = true ]) : bool

Writs a formatted log message including back trace on severe levels to the global log file

$level : string

Name of the log level

$object : mixed

The object to be logged

$prefix : string|null = null

Extra prefix

$stack : bool = true

Print with stack trace on demand

Return values

Status if write to log worked


Get system information

public static SystemInformation(Response $response) : void
$response : Response
Return values


tail a log file get set of lines inside a logfile

public static TailLogfile(string $path[, int $max = 200 ][, int $buffer = 4096 ]) : Result
$path : string

The target log file path

$max : int = 200

Maximum buffer length of array

$buffer : int = 4096

Maximum buffer length of line characters

Return values

A default system result object


Obtain lock with retry

public static TryGetLock([string|null $path = null ][, string|int $pid = null ][, int $try_count = FAA_WRITE_RETRY ][, float $seconds = 0.25 ][, bool $in_memory = true ]) : bool

Try to obtain the lock indicated by lock file in var Additional lock level reliability with process id

$path : string|null = null

Path to lock file to obtain lock at

$pid : string|int = null
$try_count : int = FAA_WRITE_RETRY

Number of retry runs

$seconds : float = 0.25

Seconds to wait per run

$in_memory : bool = true
Return values

True on successful lock otherwise false


Unlock try to disable the lock indicated by lock file in var

public static TryUnLock([string|null $path = null ]) : bool
$path : string|null = null

Path to lock file to obtain lock at

Return values

A default system result object


Unzip a file

public static Unzip(string $file[, string|null $target = null ][, bool $chunks = false ]) : Result

Take the archive, unzip it and place the results in the defined folder or an automated one

$file : string

Absolute path to file

$target : string|null = null

The output folder or, null for dynamic one

$chunks : bool = false
Return values

The unzip result


public static Version() : string
Return values


Convert version number Converts the given number to a unified string e.g. 'v1.234.33' will become 102340033

public static VersionStringToNumber(string $number[, string $regex = '/[^0-9\.]/i' ][, string $replace = '' ][, int $pads = 4 ]) : string
$number : string

The version number to calculate

$regex : string = '/[^0-9\.]/i'

Replacement expression to clear the number upfront

$replace : string = ''

Replacement string for regex_replace

$pads : int = 4

Add this amount of zeros to the left

Return values

The cleared version number


warn level log object writs a formatted log message including back trace to the global log file

public static Warn(mixed $object[, bool $stack = true ]) : void
$object : mixed

The object to be logged

$stack : bool = true
Return values


Write a array of entries to csv file

public static WriteCsv(string|null $path, array<string|int, mixed> $list[, string $delimiter = ';' ][, string $enclosure = "'" ][, string $escape = "\" ]) : Result
$path : string|null

The absolute path to file to open

$list : array<string|int, mixed>

The source to write

$delimiter : string = ';'

Have a look at delimiter

$enclosure : string = "'"

Have a look at enclosure

$escape : string = "\"

Have a look at escape

Return values

The result


Write string to file

public static WriteFile(string $path, scalar $data, int $flags) : bool

This method writes the given data to the defined file, it will wait when the system is in git lock mode. This method returns valid result also for writing empty strings unlike file put contents default behavior

$path : string

The target file path

$data : scalar

The payload to store in the target file

$flags : int

File put content flags (

Return values

True on success


Create a zip archive from folder or file contents

public static Zip(string $source, string $target) : Result
$source : string
$target : string
Return values


Register plugins

protected static RegisterPlugins() : mixed

Load the plugins from filesystem and register them for hook calling This function is cached.

Return values


Helper function to calculate size Recursively calculate size of a specific folder

private static CalculateFolderSizeRecurse(string $folder, int &$file_count, int &$directory_count, int &$size) : bool
$folder : string

The path to calculate the size of

$file_count : int

Pointer to file count

$directory_count : int

Pointer to folder count

$size : int

Pointer to file size

Return values

The iteration result status


Decrypt data

private static decrypt(string $encrypted[, string|array<string|int, mixed> $mc_key = FAA_CODE ]) : string

will try to decrypt the given data with the system encryption code or a customer defined one The function does a blowfish decryption and a base64 conversion on demand

$encrypted : string

The string to decrypt (must be base64 encoded)

$mc_key : string|array<string|int, mixed> = FAA_CODE

The key or, an array with cipher, key and the iv

Return values

The decrypted string


Delete a folder completely this method is the recursion helper for DropFolder()

private static DropFolderRecurse(string $folder[, bool $full = false ]) : bool
$folder : string

The path to delete

$full : bool = false

Also remove the root folder

Return values

The delete status


Encrypt data

private static encrypt(string $plain[, string|array<string|int, mixed> $mc_key = FAA_CODE ][, mixed &$tag = null ]) : string

Method will try to encrypt the given data with the system encryption code or a customer defined one The function does a blowfish encryption and a base64 conversion

$plain : string

The string to encrypt

$mc_key : string|array<string|int, mixed> = FAA_CODE

The key or, an array with cipher, key and the iv

$tag : mixed = null
Return values

The encrypted string base64 encoded


Handle fetch of google registration file

private static googleRegistration(Request $request, Response $res) : void
$request : Request

The original request

$res : Response

The response object

Return values


Handle api call Handle api call operations that are linked to a system widget

private static handleApiCall(Endpoint $endpoint, Request $request, Response $response) : void
$endpoint : Endpoint

A system REST endpoint object

$request : Request

The original request

$response : Response

The response object

Return values


Handle virtual directory call The virtual directory call operations are connected to existing virtual directories

private static handleDirectoryCall(string $path, Request $request, Response $response) : void
$path : string

The call path

$request : Request

The original request

$response : Response

The response object

Return values


Handle the system is locked case

private static handleLockedSystem(Request $request, Response $res) : void

Sends a 503 response header including a retry after

$request : Request
$res : Response
Return values


Handle root call

private static handleRootCall(Request $request, Response $response) : void

Handle root call cases, these happen when the system is requested with / Will redirect to the corresponding real path for home folder

$request : Request

The original request

$response : Response

The response object

Return values


Handle system call Handle system call operations like login, logout and basic session operations

private static handleSystemCall(string $call, Request $request, Response $res) : void
$call : string

The call type

$request : Request

The original request

$res : Response

The response object

Return values


Store the heart beat info

private static heartBeat(Request $request, Response $res) : void
$request : Request

The original request

$res : Response

The response object

Return values


Detect system request Detect if a specific request is a registered system operation

private static isSystemOperation(Request $request) : bool|string
$request : Request
Return values


private static parseKeyFile(string $path) : null|string|array<string|int, mixed>
$path : string
Return values
null|string|array<string|int, mixed>


Handle potential public asset calls

private static publicAsset(Request $request, Response $res) : void

Actual url to file mapping needs to be done in the hook "RegisterPublicAssetBasePath"

$request : Request

The original request

$res : Response

The response object

Return values


Handle the site map default behavior

private static siteMap(Request $request, Response $res) : void
$request : Request

The original request

$res : Response

The response object

Return values


Test the third party cookie support

private static thirdPartyCookie(Request $request, Response $res) : void
$request : Request

The original request

$res : Response

The response object

Return values


Handle update call

private static updateData(Request $request, Response $res[, string $mode = 'data' ]) : void

This method can be used to update the system by github webhook call It is secured with the default signed payload approach The configuration will be used when defined otherwise only push to master will trigger this action

$request : Request

The original request

$res : Response

The response object

$mode : string = 'data'
Return values

Search results