FileAccess Orion


Table of Contents

v1()  : string
Returns a version 1 (time-based) UUID from a host ID, sequence number, and the current time
v2()  : string
Returns a version 2 (DCE Security) UUID from a local domain, local identifier, host ID, clock sequence, and the current time
v3()  : string
Returns a version 3 (name-based) UUID based on the MD5 hash of a namespace ID and a name
v4()  : string
Returns a version 4 (random) UUID
v5()  : string
Returns a version 5 (name-based) UUID based on the SHA-1 hash of a namespace ID and a name
v6()  : string
Returns a version 6 (ordered-time) UUID from a host ID, sequence number, and the current time



Returns a version 1 (time-based) UUID from a host ID, sequence number, and the current time

v1([Hexadecimal|int|string|null $node = null ][, int $clockSeq = null ]) : string
$node : Hexadecimal|int|string|null = null

A 48-bit number representing the hardware address; this number may be represented as an integer or a hexadecimal string

$clockSeq : int = null

A 14-bit number used to help avoid duplicates that could arise when the clock is set backwards in time or if the node ID changes

Return values

Version 1 UUID as a string


Returns a version 2 (DCE Security) UUID from a local domain, local identifier, host ID, clock sequence, and the current time

v2(int $localDomain[, Integer|null $localIdentifier = null ][, Hexadecimal|null $node = null ][, int|null $clockSeq = null ]) : string
$localDomain : int

The local domain to use when generating bytes, according to DCE Security

$localIdentifier : Integer|null = null

The local identifier for the given domain; this may be a UID or GID on POSIX systems, if the local domain is person or group, or it may be a site-defined identifier if the local domain is org

$node : Hexadecimal|null = null

A 48-bit number representing the hardware address

$clockSeq : int|null = null

A 14-bit number used to help avoid duplicates that could arise when the clock is set backwards in time or if the node ID changes

Return values

Version 2 UUID as a string


Returns a version 3 (name-based) UUID based on the MD5 hash of a namespace ID and a name

v3(string|UuidInterface $ns, string $name) : string
$ns : string|UuidInterface

The namespace (must be a valid UUID)

$name : string
Return values

Version 3 UUID as a string


Returns a version 4 (random) UUID

v4() : string
Return values

Version 4 UUID as a string


Returns a version 5 (name-based) UUID based on the SHA-1 hash of a namespace ID and a name

v5(string|UuidInterface $ns, string $name) : string
$ns : string|UuidInterface

The namespace (must be a valid UUID)

$name : string
Return values

Version 5 UUID as a string


Returns a version 6 (ordered-time) UUID from a host ID, sequence number, and the current time

v6([Hexadecimal|null $node = null ][, int $clockSeq = null ]) : string
$node : Hexadecimal|null = null

A 48-bit number representing the hardware address

$clockSeq : int = null

A 14-bit number used to help avoid duplicates that could arise when the clock is set backwards in time or if the node ID changes

Return values

Version 6 UUID as a string

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